Group Healings -What to Expect + How to Get the Best Benefit

couples holding hands

A Group Healing is a great way to experience Sacred Energy Healing first hand in the comfort of your own home!

Here are a few tips so that you know what to expect and how to get the most out of your session.

  •  Find a relaxing spot

Create a little nest for yourself to be as physically comfortable as you can. Clear the space of any clutter. Eliminate any potential distractions such as kids, pets, devices, etc. Then light a candle, sage, or say a short prayer asking that your space be filled with the highest vibrations of Divine love.

If you’d like to set up a sacred space in your home long term, check out my Creating Sacred Space at Home blog for tips!

  • Set your intention

Before getting on the Zoom call, take a few deep breaths and think about what you’re hoping to gain from the healing. Our will is vital in our healing.

  • Relax and go with the flow

Concentrate on being open and receptive during the healing. Paramhansa Yogananda said that the effectiveness of the healing depends on the power of the healer and the receptivity of the patient so be sure to “give it to God.”

I’ll guide you through the healing. I’ll chat about what’s coming up for the group and give directions as needed. There may be times where I’ll be quiet and focus on the energy and I’ll usually tell you if I’m going to do this.

During group healings I work on the collective energy that the group brings whether you’re with us live or watching the recording later. I do not work on or discuss any individual situations during group healing.

  • Enjoy peace

After group healings, most clients feel lighter, calmer, more centered, and relaxed. When a group of people gather and bring all of their love and prayers, deep and profound shifts have happened during these healings to be ready!

Be sure to join in the next scheduled group healing!



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